
Circuit Moneuse : fils de meunier - Quiévrain

Historisch Um Quiévrain
5.9 km
1Uhr 30min
5.9 km
  • Höhenunterschied
    59.58 m
  • Dokumentation
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1 Place d'Audregnies
Did you know? Located in Hauts-Pays natural park, the village of Audregnies can pride itself on having the largest wooded square in Belgium.
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2 Antoine-Joseph Moneuse: the origins
It was in autumn 1768 that Antoine-Joseph Moneuse was born in Marly (France). His parents, Catherine Moreau and Antoine Moneuse, then settled in Saint-Vaast (France) around 1776. His father, Antoine, was a miller by profession and owned a mill. Moneuse had three brothers: Martin-Joseph, Hippolyte et Pierre-François.
3 Foyer Notre Dame de Paix – former boarding school and convent of the Bernardine Ladies
To your right, you’ll see a mill. This is a recent construction (2013). It was created as part of an internal project by the non-profit association Foyer Notre Dame de Paix. This renowned nursing home has a rich history.


The origins of the building date back to 1904, the year in which a community of French Bernardine Ladies settled there and ran a girls’ boarding school there, Pensionnat Saint Bernard, until 1942.

After the expulsions of religious congregations from France, the Bernardine Religious Ladies of Esquermes-Lez-Lille came to take refuge in Audregnies. They took possession of the old Leroy farm whose house was not sufficient to host the many students who accompanied them. The Bernardine Ladies wanted to continue the work of providing a religious education to girls, as this was one of their congregation’s goals.

Therefore, major expansion work was required, in which many workers from the Hauts-Pays region participated.

In October 1903, the Bernardine Ladies settled in a temporary chapel until the end of the construction of the new building.

On 21 March 1904, the foundation stone of the future Pensionnat Saint Bernard was laid in the presence of Canon Margerin, Chaplain of the Bernardine Ladies, the Dean of Dour, Abbot Soudan, Curate of Audregnies, Mr Raymong Glineur, Mayor of Audregnies, and several notable persons of the parish. The work ended on 14 May 1905.

In this new building equipped with all the modern comforts of the time, the Bernardine Ladies could accommodate 60 to 80 girls of the French bourgeoisie and aristocracy, in order to provide them with a religious education.

In the right season, the long procession of young uniformed boarders could be seen crossing the village.

In 1914, the Bernardines set up part of the boarding school in a military hospital to treat the 180 wounded of the battle of Audregnies.

In 1925, they founded a public library open on Sundays. The Bernardine Ladies (after whom Chemin des Nonettes would be named) left Audregnies in 1940, and were replaced in 1942 by the Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco.

The boarding school welcomed some young girls from Audregnies, but also children from towns in the region sent by Winter Aid.

In 1945, a lay community of nurses came from Flanders, in order to provide home-based care.

In 1953, Bishop Himmer of Tournai, concerned about the situation of old people in the Mons-Borinage region, expressed the wish for an old people’s home to open in the existing building, following initiatives seen in Protestant communities.

Thus in Audregnies on 13 February 1954, non-profit association Foyer Notre Dame de Paix was founded, whose articles of association would be published in the Belgian official journal (Moniteur Belge) on 27 March 1954. Its purpose was: the creation of homes for old people and elderly households and any activities relating to charity services (article 2 of the articles of association).

The contacts established in 1953 by the Bishopric of Tournai, in particular by Bishop Joos Vicar General, with the Bishopric of Zagreb (Croatia) led to the signing of an agreement on 14 May 1954 whereby the Congregation of Sœurs Servantes de l'Enfant Jésus provided ten members of its community to the non-profit association, which had to provide them with free accommodation, fire, food and whatever might be necessary but excluding any monetary remuneration. This latter clause was also a condition for granting residence permits to Croatian nuns. On the other hand, the non-profit association granted the congregation use of the home (yet) to be created.

On 16 July 1954, lands and buildings belonging to the community of Bernardine Sisters were the subject of a promise of sale to the non-profit association for a sum of three million Belgian francs, payable over 10 years, with 4% interest charged per annum. Many efforts had to be employed to collect the funds necessary for the development works. Appeals were made for donations, collections were organised in every church in the district, the deanery of Dour’s input was requested, etc.

What courage it took the founders to undertake such a venture!

On 7 September 1956, six nuns arrived in Brussels, and were joined by three others in February 1963.

The first boarder was welcomed on 17 December 1956... Something big could begin!

4 The end of innocence
Every day, Moneuse’s father would go to his mill in Marly while the child took the path to school. Moneuse was an average student, preferring to wander in the countryside rather than being in class.

23 June 1779 would scar him for life. As he crossed the meadows towards Bavay to get to school, Moneuse saw something in a field of wheat. He approached and appeared to make out the silhouette of a sleeping man. This man was actually his father. Moneuse quickly realise he wasn’t asleep. Bathing in his own blood, he laid dead.
5 Chapelle Sainte-Thérèse de l'enfant Jésus
A place of worship frequently visited by villagers but also by tourists, this small chapel invites you to contemplation. Adorned with inscriptions like “I wish to spend my time in heaven...doing good on earth” engraved by the faithful, the chapel also houses a medallion of the Saint and a recumbent statue adding to the place’s mystical beauty.
6 Injustice
Moneuse would learn that his father had been murdered the night before in an argument with one of his neighbours, one Jean Leleux. A mere monetary matter that cost Antoine Moneuse his life. The murderer was never investigated.

It was here that Moneuse experienced his first dealings with the justice – or rather injustice – system. It would not be the last...
7 Martin chicory mill
A horse-drawn chicory mill was built here in 1859 by Pierre-Joseph Martin. There is nothing left of it today.

Horse mills made it possible to overcome the vagaries of the wind and therefore complement their big brothers, windmills. The horse turns outside the building and activates the two wheels with a beam that protrudes from the top of the roof.
8 Audregnies mill or Glineur mill
At number 20 rue de l'Eglise, turn left and let the sound of water guide you. At the end of the path, you’ll find yourself facing a waterfall which is part of the old water mill of Audregnies. Its origins date back to the end of the 12th century. The wheel is gone but the mill building remains.

It belonged to the count of Baillencourt. In 1766, Joseph, count of Baillencourt, lord of Audregnies, deputy of the State, noble of Hainaut, provost of the cities and royal provost of Mons, held the exclusive right to produce flour for the neighbouring villages at his Audregnies mill.

From 1220, the monastery of Trinité d’Audregnies receives an income of one hundred and twenty rasières (old capacitance measurement worth about 1/2 hectolitres) of grains from the mill. The millers of Audregnies and Athis who held the abovementioned exclusive right in Montignies went there every day to take the inhabitants’ “monnées” (quantity of grain issued to millers) with their horses which had bells to alert them, without costing the inhabitants anything other than the milled wheat used.

In 1723, thirteen tenants of Audregnies signed a statement disputing their lord’s claim compelling them to use his mill.

Obtained by François Demarez in 1811.

Confirmed in 1739 by Vander Maelen.

The mill is located in the centre of the village, almost opposite the church. It is powered by the Petite Honnelle which, to reach the height required to set a mill wheel in motion, follows a bypass that has gradually become the main channel in the river. An embankment holds in this bypass on the same side as the (genuine) flood plain, where a thin trickle of water still flows. The mill is positioned at the end of the bypass, on the valley bottom, which obviously facilitated the installation of the wheel while also shaping the waterfall. This spatial arrangement is very close to that observed at Hautrage water mill.

A water management system cuts through the stream around the mill.

The building is built on a rather elongated rectangular level. Its northern cog rests against the stream. Covered with a tiled roof featuring large rumps, it is sited on very uneven terrain. In this way, its height evolves from one level (drip wall on the upstream side) to a development covering almost two levels on the opposite side (downstream side).

The great height of Audregnies mill’s spillway is a feature that particularly marks it out. This spillway supports a massif in its centre consisting of beautiful bedrocks of carefully paired stones. Upstream, this massif ends in bevelled formation.

Installed on the left side of the spillway, the mill is bordered by a space that leans against the embankment and disappears in the bottom of the flood plain. The mill’s courtyard is extended by a large courtyard that has the characteristics of a large farm whose mill is just one component.

The year of manufacture 1823 is engraved on the lintel of the building door. This year of manufacture appears consistent with the entire building being constructed all at once. A west gable chimney confirms the fact that the left side of the building served as a main building for the miller and the right side as the mill in the strict sense of the word.




Archives générales du royaume à Bruxelles, carton 763 (1766)

Verriest, “Le régime seigneurial dans le comté de Hainaut, p. 282 (“Greffes des justices échev. et seigneuriales”)

A. Havez, “Mémoires en Haut-Pays - Moulins sans frontière 1095 - 1995, p. 116-117, ill.

Jules Dewert, “Les moulins du Hainaut. Arrondissement de Mons”, Annales du Cercle d'histoire et d'archéologie de Baudour, t. 4, 1939, p. 1-202;

Jacques Vandewattyne, “Inventaire des moulins du Hainaut. Arrondissement de Charleroi - Arrondissement de Mons - Arrondissement de Soignies”, Hainaut-Tourisme, n° 118, July 1966, p. 139-144

“Moulins en Hainaut”, Brussels, Crédit Communal, 1987 G. Bavay (coord.), “Patrimoine et histoire des moulins en Hainaut - Inventaire descriptif”, Analectes d'histoire du Hainaut, tome XI, Mons, Hannonia, 2008, p. 305-306, ill. “Moulins en Hainaut”, Mons, Hannonia / Bruxelles, Crédit Communal, 1987.
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9 A turbulent teenager
After the death of her husband, Moneuse’s mother could not keep the mill. She turned their house into an inn where street vendors, men on horseback and policemen often stopped.

Moneuse would soon be dealing with policemen. At 15 and a half, he was accused of theft but he was never found guilty. The following year, he was investigated for stabbing a boy who’d insulted him. At 17, he was accused of theft again but the merchant didn’t recognise him.

In 1788, Moneuse took the decision to leave the region.
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10 Moustache mill
The Moustache mill is a brick windmill on the edge of rue Avaleresse, after number 5 (registered plot section A n° 553).

This street leads through extensive countryside towards the village of Thulin and the flood plain of Haine. Located on the immediate outskirts of the small village, it is positioned at the top of the slope overlooking the valley of the Petite Honnelle.

An inscription reads: “je fus bâti en 1795 par F.G.J. Dupont” (I was built in 1795 by F.G.J.Dupont), verified in 1834.

Severely deteriorated as early as 1883, the Moustache mill was decommissioned in 1891.

In 1927 came a brick tower covered with tiles. The wings have disappeared.

The Moustache mill belongs to the category of frustoconical masonry mills, in this case bricks. Its diameter at the base reaches 6 metres. It can be accessed via a curved arc door. The floor is lit by three windows - two semicircular arches and one a low arch - probably the result of an alteration.

The mill has lost its rotating cap, its wings and all its internal machinery. To overcome the disappearance of the roof, the upper part of the masonry has been levelled in an oblique plane. A rudimentary blanket of asbestos corrugated iron is used to protect the construction.

17 February 2015
11 Tordoir mill
Tordoir mill used to stand at this place. It was a wooden oil windmill, mentioned in 1502 in the field known as “Fâche du Moulin à vent”, along voie Moneresse (rue Avaleresse, chemin de Audregnies in Thulin).

It had disappeared by 1810.


A. Havez, “Mémoire en Haut-Pays. Moulins sans frontière, 1095-1995”, Onnezies, 1995, p.119. Jules Dewert, “Les moulins du Hainaut. Arrondissement de Mons”, in: Annales du Cercle d’histoire et d’archéologie de Baudour”, t.4, 1939, p. 1-202 (p. 196-197). G. Bavay (coord.), “Patrimoine et histoire des moulins en Hainaut – Inventaire descriptif”, Analectes d’histoire du Hainaut, tome XI, Mons, Hannonia, 2008, p. 304-305. “Moulins en Hainaut”, Mons, Hannonia / Brussels, Crédit Communal, 1987.
picto moulin vent - pictogramme fait par Freepik de www.flaticon.jpg
12 A troubled period
Little is known about what became of Moneuse in the years following his departure. Some say he reached Paris. The capital was restless at the time. In 1789 came the Revolution. The world was changing. It was the hope of change. A hope that would soon be reduced to ashes with the abuses of the Terror (1793-94) which were followed by the Directory (1795-99).
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13 Moneuse back in town
In January 1794, Moneuse returned to the region. An unstable region whose borders were diluted following the victories and defeats of French and Austrian soldiers. Belgium went to Austria (1793) before going to France (1794). This was a period of famine during which the people were restless and justice was meted out in a summary manner. It is in this context that gangs of bandits prevailed in the region.

Moneuse established himself as a grain and livestock trader.
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14 The attack of Léon Lagroux (Rieu-Marion)
It is in Audregnies wood, at Rieu-Marion (stream), that the only event associated with Moneuse in the municipality of Quiévrain is recorded.

One day in February 1794, a certain Léon Lagroux, a horse dealer in Hornu, left the estaminet of Audregnies when he was the victim of an attack. Here is the statement he made to the investigators:

“Near the Rieu-Marion, a man hidden in the ditch jumped to the bridles of my horse while two others made me fall. Despite the terrible pain felt in my leg, I began to defend myself with the nerf de bœuf (an old-fashioned type of truncheon) I always wear on my wrist. I heard a groan and a cry after hitting one of the attackers about the stomach: ‘Mendeck, help!’ Almost immediately a horseman came out of the coppice and struck me with the pommel of his sword. Before I fell unconscious, I heard him command: ‘A few more blows of the club, and then bring me his girdle.’ My girdle! It contained 5,000 gold francs. And then my horse disappeared. I’m pressing charges against this Mendeck!”

The rumour then spread that Mendeck and Moneuse were in fact one and the same person, the leader of a gang of bandits named the Chauffeurs du Nord. It is said they had the habit of burning the feet of their victims to make them confess where they hid their possessions.
15 Mendeck = Moneuse?
Was Moneuse this mysterious Mendeck? Was he wracked by jealousy, living comfortably while the people starved? For now, no proof was provided to support this mad rumour but the man’s problems were just beginning. Attacks would only multiply in the region and the justice system needed someone to blame. One thing is certain: we haven’t heard the last about Moneuse...
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16 Planches mill
It was here that Planches mill once stood, a wooden flour windmill, in the field of Enfer [lit. hell] at the crossroads of rue du Calvaire (road to Elouges) and Chemin de Wihéries, on registered plot no. 520c.

Property of François Dupont in 1845.

Demolished after 1870.

By chance or as a nod to the past, a bakery was opened near this place.


Littérature A. Havez, “Mémoire en Haut-Pays - Moulins sans frontière, 1095-1995”, p. 116-117, ill. Jules Dewert, ”Les moulins du Hainaut. Arrondissement de Mons”, Annales du Cercle d’histoire et d’archéologie de Baudour”, t.4, 1939, p. 1-202 (p. 196-197). G. Bavay (coord.), “Patrimoine et histoire des moulins en Hainaut – Inventaire descriptif”, Analectes d’histoire du Hainaut, tome XI, Mons, Hannonia, 2008”, p. 304. “Moulins en Hainaut”, Mons, Hannonia / Brussels, Crédit Communal, 1987.
picto moulin vent - pictogramme fait par Freepik de www.flaticon.jpg
60 Meter Höhenunterschied
  • Höhe des Startpunkts : 62 m
  • Höhe des Ankunftsorts : 62 m
  • Maximale Höhe : 69 m
  • Minimale Höhe : 44 m
  • Totaler positiver Höhenmeter : 60 m
  • Totaler negativer Höhenmeter : -60 m
  • Maximaler positiver Höhenmeter : 19 m
  • Maximaler negativer Höhenmeter : -13 m